Our rich history

Vooren BV, a company that has been exporting flowers and plants to countries within but also outside Europe for more than 100 years.

When Piet Vooren Senior tentatively started growing and selling flowers and vegetables at various weekly markets in 1920, the quality was high, the price low, and the demand high. Piet's boundless energy and boundless commitment was the basis for the establishment of the company, which today is called Vooren BV.
Son Piet
Son Piet Junior followed in his father's footsteps in the 1930s. He was a true pioneer and expanded the sales area by exporting cut flowers to England. Due to this success, he expanded the business to include the cultivation and trade of flower bulbs as well.
Further expansion by the 3rd generation
As trade in flower bulbs is seasonal, Henk-Pieter Vooren, grandson of Piet Vooren Senior, decided to further expand the flower business. Through then two auctions in Aalsmeer, namely CAV and Bloemenlust, he built up a renowned export company for cut flowers within a few years. This created a medium-sized company, where quality and reliability were the key elements.
1980// 1984
4th generation
Around 1980, son Robert Vooren joined father Henk-Pieter in the business, quickly followed by his younger brother Marcel in 1984. Henk-Pieter's eldest son, Pieter Vooren, took on the financial duties, and thus Vooren BV was given a solid foundation.
1980// 1984
After father Henk-Pieter supervised his sons for 5 years, he finally decided to hand over full management to the 4th generation.
2000// 2023
Pieter and Marcel Vooren
After a number of years, Pieter and Marcel Vooren also bid farewell to the Vooren company and Robert, along with a few loyal employees who have now been with the company for 45 years, will continue the business. After working in the flower business for over 40 years, Robert Vooren himself also decided to retire from the business at the end of 2023.
2000// 2023
Vooren BV today
Today, Vooren BV supplies many large and small flower traders in Europe and beyond. Our customers are importers who place high demands on the quality of our cut flowers and pot plants. Vooren BV gladly accepts this challenge, together with our experienced buyers and sellers, and is ready to serve you every day.
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